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2009年5月6日 星期三

想當年,在系室走廊看到了告示,是Jan Hoet打理的Ghent藝術館的internship,就寫了篇申請書,但結果故事結局當然是不成功,該就是由阿和取了.(他在某處好像講過他那邊的故事).我最近寫那新文時,想起的,就是那時的申請書起頭所引了Jean Christophe Ammann的深刻shock了我的一句:
With the passing of ideology of progress, the avant garde died too ... This realization came as a shock to young artists, for in the final analysis, it must involved a radical change in methods. Instead of excluding, artists now had to include.

1 則留言:

Studio bbq 提到...

It's not me. But I only interned there on my own before they formally offered this internship to Hong Kong. Sara applied for it but didn't get it. I think finally Lydia Ngai (AAA librarian) and Irene Ngan (Oscar's previous assistant) got it.
