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2008年12月14日 星期日

After having post the clip of Where the Hell is Matt? sometime ago,
I saw lately a variation of it, but an ad for a credit card company.
this time not an imitation, but with Matt in it.

I felt quite outrage about it really,
(maybe even more? than if it is an imitation)

though I have not been in any of his video before,
but I have help spread this then"seemingly innocence" idea!

If these new clips are retake,
with hired actors, than it is "fake".
(and they are still depending upon the "generosity" of the people that help build up the project before it.)
if they are not, people in it are being exploited.

For me, either way is quite a wrong place for this project to end up with.
(but if it is not the end, as more people then know about Matt and share the previous clips?)

Maybe, the case hurts most for the words in the ad is definitely over the top, that he travels everywhere without using every local currency, which I bet is exaggerating and thus a lie!

This idea of something universal, might be in tune with Matt's project, but at the same time, this accepted worldwide credit card affording travel without even paying attention (finding this part of the experience) to the variety of local matters is exactly the worst kind of attitude that a world traveller could have.