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2009年3月6日 星期五


上周hk magazine就有一條橋度來救經濟,保就業:

A New Celebrity Sex Scandal

In our budget model, we provided $100 million to create a hot, new celebrity sex scandal in Q4. Not only would this have lifted flagging spirits, it would have also kick-started a struggling cottage industry and employed over 125,000 people. Think of all the hero citizens of Hong Kong we can employ through a sexy new scandal:

• Hundreds of religious fundamentalists would be needed on the Obscene Articles Tribunal to endlessly pore over candid vagina shots to determine their classification

• Thousands of magazine designers would be put back to work intrepidly placing black squares and winky faces over errant nipples

• The police force would also accrue hundreds of thousands of overtime hours to fruitlessly ask websites to remove the photos, and later once an unemployed computer technician is arrested, the show trial would generate millions more in legal fees.

在這個是非被顛倒的社會,這就才算是梁寶形容luke作品的「調侃」,相反luke的作品,我以為簡直不過是有嗰句講嗰句,實話實說.愈想梁寶評尋樂的文,真愈火滾.[我有關匯控的作品(原來舊作也有一件有d關), 就下次再講.]

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