看了Places and politics in an age of globalization (2001)的Arif Dirlik一篇Place-Based Imagination: Globalism and the Politics of Place.當中在提到Jean Chesneaux, Brave New World (1992)的paradigm of HK to describe the contemporary global economy as "an off-ground economy" (23)Dirlik加了個注,表現他到底對香港好像的確比較熟點
... The people of HK, in spite of the "off-groundedness" of the HK economy, have in recent years shown a remarkable awareness of place consciousness, which goes against both the colonial regime and the nationalistic rhetoric of the Beijing regime. The class aspect of this awareness is not to be ignored, as the nationalistic rhetoric of the Communist Party of China in this case seeks to disguise an alliance, unprecedented in its explicitness, between the state and transnational capital (Chinese and non-Chinese) against an emergent civil society that unites around the idea of HK as place of daily life.
...(p.44 note 24.)