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2009年3月3日 星期二

這個 不思議少女 加藤うらら 系列(僅post2個上來,是建議到youtube看多幾集,集集有諗頭)


第1話 焼き鳥
第2話 コラーゲン
第3話 地球環境問題
第4話 豚の耳
第5話 肌荒れ
第6話 初めてのお化け屋敷
第7話 ハムDVD
第8話 初めてのコンビ二
第9話 お弁当
第10話 美容整形
第11話 使い回し
第12話 久々の登校

明就漢字,唔明就仍唔明, 真無厘頭.

3 則留言:

Studio bbq 提到...

So great! But just wonder if this is from the mainstream media in Japan. If so, could imagine it might be so difficult to practise contemporary art (in our narrow sense which is supposed to be forward looking) in the art world (or only that the art world is ignorant enough!)

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thanks for yr remarks, or I might thought I am really lagging far far behind (the mainstream), unless we both are?

the official source is

It seems, a DVD of the the programs that we saw is just released last month.

but who will like to order a thing like this?

But the jap popular entertainment industry, is always beyond our imagination, this might perhaps be just for promotion of the song as ringtone?

A fruther note, I actually heard some tune very similar daily from the japanese kindergarten opposite my house, so maybe that's it attracted me to keep on watching.

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