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2008年10月10日 星期五

Scott Lash跟Celia Lury合著的Global Culture Industry過期要還,選擇了兩句quote記在這裡.

Global culture industry is a decent of culture into the real: a descent into the bowels, the brutality, the desert of the real. (p.11)

At sake in turn-of-the-21-century art is not so much a shift in aesthetic value and art-object ontology, but instead a meltdown of aesthetic value, corresponding to a certain meltdown, at least in London, of the institutions of art. It is not just a crisis in the ontology of the art-object, but an ontological meltdown. The City, the Lottery, Development Corporations, Charles Saatchi, Goldsmiths College, business sponsors and the media make up a new complex of institutions, an enterprised-up art world. (Strathern 1999) (p.74)

奇怪與可惜的是,此書跟harrington的,都沒有引用上Boris Groys,但如羅文樂早前知會,此仁兄的書終開始有英譯本,對於香港這隨英美學界的文化界,還望可以搞出次登陸旋風.

p.s.我打入上文到Saatchi時,就想到,自己其實很久前有過很強的世界藝術觸覺,讀書時去歐洲已到過Saatchi的倫敦gallery去瞄,也在蘇格蘭的artschool看到剛畢業的Jenny Saville如何在狹小的畫室搏出位.不過注定自己不能靠此行發達,因那時已聽聞過些消息,尤其enzo cucchi的聲明,對於Saatchi其賣出收藏(開始轉而專攻英國藝術)的安排的不滿,於是已看不起這Saatchi,並讓我轉對haacke自訂合約那思維發生更大興趣,從此與yba可說分道揚鑣.
