那天羅文樂與許煜關於文化工業的對談中,許煜拿出恰是我這blog早前提到這對談扯到的scott lash的global culture industry一書,我才猛醒許煜也讀goldsmith,有機會跟lash上堂,真羨慕.
近日我又在公共圖書館找到本Polity出的書,覺得比lash少點文化哲學,卻對於理解現代性問題如劉小楓以現代性社會理論進路,一樣提供了相當不錯的導介,是本很值一讀的基本參考書.書名是 Art and Social Theory (2004),作者是Austin Harrington (1970-).出自leeds的社會學系.不過說到文化與藝術,其不單分了界線,還會以為:
from a normative point of view, we may assert that there can be no 'profession of art'. Art is not針對藝術,其以為:
business, and art cannot be reconciled with business. From a normative point of view, we may suggest that there can be no such thing as
'cultural capital'. Culture is not capital, and culture cannot be reconciled with capital.
modernity's normative idea of artistic protest has not
fundamentally changed since the rise of postmodernism. Artistic protest has only changed in some of its modes, strategies and sites of expression. Under contemporary conditions of capitalistic globalization, new media technologies
make possible a certain global diffusion and global integration of sites of artistic protest against oppression and injustice. Today some of the very facilitating technologies of captialist expansion are open to being turned against the system by artistic action.In the world today,artists have a role to play as witness to suffering and exploitation in forgotten corners of the globe;
as catalysts and canalizers of non-violent anarchic energies from peripheries to centres;
as champions of carnival, contestation and defiance against imperialism and militarism;
as keepers of hope, imagination, courage and trust that 'another world is possible'.
If postmodernism is the beauty, capitalistic globalization is the beast.
2 則留言:
在香港,坊間對文化工業的興趣大概是因為西九而來,因此官方對那個M+(西九的軟件)的願景成為了窺探不久將來香港官樣文化工業的途徑。透過觀察這願景當中重要的一點"香港特式" (唐人街!?),找出潛在問題,我們便理解應該如何應對,這種應對當為自己體會,所以講座中的藝術創作只是例子和參考,算是有引導性但沒有權威性吧!(當然,我主觀的立場還是投射了出來。)