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2008年10月9日 星期四

(續)上次提到Austin Harrington的Art and social theory,其實quotes中的normative的強烈語氣全書著實不多,而我欲提其扯到的兩個我不認識,但對理解文化創意產業話語似乎得要認識的人物,是Luc Boltanski & Eve Chiapello.
搜一搜個網,就發現在法國巴黎大學教書的Luc Boltanski & Eve Chiapello合撰的The New Spirit of Capitalism (London, Verso, 2006)未出,馬國明在其嶺大的文章/書籍推介專欄已說成是一部令人期待的巨著.祗怪自己後知後覺.在網上讀到其一書評,就以下文作結,頗準預言了今天市場的狀況:

The implication of Boltanski and Chiapello’s book is that the next time capitalism hits a crisis, it will be fuelled once more by a ‘social critique’ of its injustices, and less by an ‘artistic critique’ of its inauthenticity.

Harrington的文中,簡單概括了B&C何解選用了‘artistic critique’來理解新的資本主義精神(其實使我又想起經濟學家汪丁丁),亦同以(Obama也狂揪的)deregulation政策出發:

看Harrington著作的書背,從短介還是會看到列了一批文化社會理論大名,Weber,Simmel,Benjamin,Kracauer and the Frankfurt school to Foucault, Bourdieu, Habermas, Baudrillard, Lyotard, Luhmann and Jameson.再遠其實還可以加談了不少的康德,馬克思,但這裡更出奇遺漏了的是阿多諾,布爾迪厄外,其實再重覆這些不知被多少人論過了的大名人物,對於真正學習者,很多時反不及其偶爾點提如B&C等人物有進帳.而若B&C不過是我自己脫節,讀到作者對於Wellmer, Seel和Menke(接連de Duve)的簡單概括,其實也已是相當有益,只因後阿多諾的美學理論指南書,坊間實在還是鮮見.

1 則留言:

yhui 提到...

the new spirit of capitalism has been out for a while, it is even a bit thicker than das kapital volume 1, there is a paper by the authors, which summarizes the book briefly. if you want to have it, email me(ask lawman for my email if you don't have).